Share Video From YouTube Using the YouTube Video ElementOur YouTube Video element allows you to share videos from, er, what's that place called? Oh yeah, YouTube! This element can be found under the Media section of Elements.
This element is one of two ways you can add a YouTube video to your site. The second (and more flexible) way is to use our Embed Code element, which we look at here.
Drag the element to a page and click on it to bring up the toolbox. You need to enter the direct link to the YouTube video in the provided field. To find the direct link, click the Share button beneath the YouTube video. And copy / paste from there. No other link will work, so be sure to use the one found here.
Once you add the link, the video should show up on your page in less that a minute. If it does not show up then you are not using the direct link—please double check that you are copying the proper link using the option noted above.
Once the link is in place, you can determine the size of the video player using the Advanced option in the YouTube element's toolbox. |